About Us

What is FindVacationRentals.com?
The easiest place for travelers to find vacation rentals and the most efficient means for owners to advertise their vacation property online. Vacation rental listings in the United States including vacation homes, villas, condos, cottages, cabins, studios, penthouses, bed & breakfasts, inns and more. FindVacationRentals.com connects thousands of travelers to the owners/managers of these vacation properties.
How long has FindVacationRentals.com been online?
FindVacationRentals.com has been online since January 1, 2002.
Does FindVacationRentals.com rent/manage any vacation rentals on the website?
FindVacationRentals.com is strictly an online advertiser of privately owned/managed vacation rentals. The properties on this website are managed and represented by their owner or authorized manager.